Packing for Cheraw

What to bring? So far, the Soltek Easel, various sized watercolor blocks, Aquabee Super Delux Sketchbooks, small Holbein watercolor travel set and a somewhat larger ArtBin case with palette filled with Holbein colors, Derwent and Faber Castel watercolor pencils, Derwent Pastel Pencils, Niji WaterBrushes, Micron pens, masking fluid, white artist tape, gator board, Carand’Ache neocolor II watersoluble wax pastels, hand-made journal filled with Arches CP and HP papers, Strathmore Imperial & Gemini CP, HP, and rough papers. plus some colored charcoal papers. Thought I’d experiment 🙂

Not seen are the acrylic supplies and a few canvases, camera’s, my friends spotting scope and tripod. Next is the kitchen sink 🙂

Thanks for visiting and sharing your feedback!