Gibbous Moon

Learned a new word today. I may have heard of it before, long, long ago in high school but, it’s new to me today 🙂

Gibbous‘ Moon. Off to the dictionary. Ah ha! It means that the moon is larger than a semi-circle but not at big as a circle. Better yet is the word origin…. late Middle English: from late Latin gibbosus from latin gibbus ‘hump.’

Hump! Now that I can identify with. To me, the day before a full Moon, the lower left side of it looks like the man in the moon needs to put his tongue in his cheek so the ‘hump’ from his tongue can round out his face. Now I have a visual association for my word-of-the-day. The artist is happy, she’ll remember her new word 🙂

All this came about as I was interested in the meteor shower scheduled for this evening called the Geminids. But, as of 6:30 p.m., we have coudy skies and even if the sky is clear….. the gibbous Moon will be too bright to see all but the brightest meteors. Sigh……..

I started the ‘last call’ dog walk around 11:15 p.m. Dudley always goes first. The sky had just a few clouds and the gibbous Moon was so bright that I really had to hunt for Orion. No sign of any meteors…….

But, when Grizzie and I went out……. well, here’s what happened….I’m a happy camper 🙂

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