August Duet

I love the color harmony found in nature. I picked these delicate beauties from the Native Plant Garden at the Nature Center on Spring Island. 

This is a watercolor sketch…. no pencil.  I used a Micron 01 pen for the lettering and added the Ironweed’s white springs with a Signo uni•ball broad tip white pen from

9 comments on “August Duet

  1. Bright and beautiful, Pam 🙂 I sit here by the computer and glance over at your calendar and this month's painting always brings me a smile – those Maypops (Passion Flowers) remind me of visits to my aunt, walking through her gate where these grew and the pleasure I had, as a young girl, popping those buds!

  2. Bright and beautiful, Pam 🙂 I sit here by the computer and glance over at your calendar and this month's painting always brings me a smile – those Maypops (Passion Flowers) remind me of visits to my aunt, walking through her gate where these grew and the pleasure I had, as a young girl, popping those buds!

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