June and July were great months for live sketching backyard visitors from the comfort of our air conditioned home! August is starting strong as well : )
Art Tip Tuesday ~ Ink, Water, Feathers & Fur… Oh My!

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June and July were great months for live sketching backyard visitors from the comfort of our air conditioned home! August is starting strong as well : )
Suet feeder birds drawn from images taken with my iPhone camera held up to my birding scope. We’ve had a run of cold, raw, grey days with just a day or two of sunshine in between – highly unusual. I’ve lived in the lowcountry long enough to have become quite used to having a lot […]
When I pulled into work today, there stood ‘Blue’ in the water about 25 feet in front of me. Into my purse I went for my trusty 3″x5″ Stillman and Birn softcover Alpha Journal. Then I realized my small zippered pouch that carries my art pens, waterbrush and an Art Toolkit palette was at […]
Lots of life has happened. Thankfully mostly busy stuff. Grateful for good health, good job, my love, old and new friends, fur babies and always the wonders of nature. Will be posting images that were created over the last couple of years. Figure if I start with basic posts, I’ll catch up to the present […]
Dudley tucked under my arm as I sketch. This year I purchased a lovely yearly planner by artist Jeanette Jobson. A painting graces the cover and there’s one at the start of each month. The weekly pages have good sized daily spaces to record whatever you like. I’m tired of the days sailing by without […]