See a behind the scenes look at the creation of Pam Johnson Brickell’s nature journal page.
May / June Yard Ramblings

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See a behind the scenes look at the creation of Pam Johnson Brickell’s nature journal page.
June and July were great months for live sketching backyard visitors from the comfort of our air conditioned home! August is starting strong as well : )
The other day a wren landed on the birdbath just outside our dinette window… close enough for me to photograph with my phone! These are some little 3.5″ square studies from the photographs. I love these birds – so spunky and vocal. Their song always brings a smile.
Suet feeder birds drawn from images taken with my iPhone camera held up to my birding scope. We’ve had a run of cold, raw, grey days with just a day or two of sunshine in between – highly unusual. I’ve lived in the lowcountry long enough to have become quite used to having a lot […]
It’s official… The bird feeder station is my shiny bobble. Making breakfast? What birds are feeding? Doing dishes? Who’s visiting under the feeder? Making dinner? Surely I have time to check the bird feeders out! Quick fountain pen captures as I view the feeders through a scope from the kitchen window… shiny bobble all the […]
On September 2nd, my first marks on the page were of a cardinal sitting on the branch outside the kitchen window. He kept posing, so I kept sketching. The next morning, bunny came to visit as I was making breakfast. It’s tough to sketch when other duties call – even with the timer set to […]