Autumn in the Lowcountry is by far my favorite season. While we don’t boast New England’s colors, the textures created by both color and form are such eye candy to me.
Autumn Sketching with Ink and Watercolor

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Autumn in the Lowcountry is by far my favorite season. While we don’t boast New England’s colors, the textures created by both color and form are such eye candy to me.
It’s a good thing this pot of Bloodroot was in my office and I could check it frequently or I may have missed out on the plant’s quick growth! In just eight days seedlings went from barely popping out of the soil to blooming!
This year my friend gave me a pot of bloodroot seedlings to monitor. I so love documenting the growth of spring plants.
What better month for being a Foodie than January? My purse jounaling supplies include a 3×5 Stillman and Birn Alpha Series journal, a business card sized palette offered by Expeditionary Art, Micron pens (black and sepia) and a Pentel waterbrush. I will sketch our meal quickly then add color as we eat. It depends upon […]
Lots of life has happened. Thankfully mostly busy stuff. Grateful for good health, good job, my love, old and new friends, fur babies and always the wonders of nature. Will be posting images that were created over the last couple of years. Figure if I start with basic posts, I’ll catch up to the present […]
A new series is born! While I can’t promise turtle postings every week, Tuesday’s will be Turtle Day for this blog 🙂 I saw my first Softshell a little over a year ago and was amazed at its size. It had to be a female. This species’ females can grow to 24 3/4 inches!!! A […]