My wish for you.. May love and harmony always be with you. Created in the ProCreate App. I highly recommend trying ProCreate out. Such a great art tool to have in your quiver!
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My wish for you.. May love and harmony always be with you. Created in the ProCreate App. I highly recommend trying ProCreate out. Such a great art tool to have in your quiver!
Hugs to you on this Christmas day! My prayers are for peace, harmony and putting our best selves forward… no matter our circumstances. I know we’ve all had more than enough. But with our single strengths, we’ll hold each other up and be able to continue on – and, bigger and brighter we will be! […]
And, have a happy, healthy 2016, filled with peace! The wreath was made by my co-worker. He cut grapevine and wove it into a wreath base, then filled it with red cedar clippings that were loaded with berries. There are strands of palmetto leaves circling the wreath and some dried Thoroughwort sprinkled in. I […]
Thanks to David Rankin, I’ve learned a few more techniques for working with the Paper 53 app. You can change the color of the background! Have a peak around David’s site, and check out his daily iPad bird sketches on FB here. Just thrilling!
I’m so enjoying honing my sketching skills on the iPad using Paper by 53 app. I’m just scratching the surface with what this app can do. Check out artist David Rankin’s work here . Next stop…. in the field!
More digital art fun. I started with a photo of this cutie – Otto is a 4 month old miniature Schnauzer that a co-worker brings to the office. At the time, Otto was sitting on my lap at my desk. I took a photo of him with my phone. Later, I transferred the image […]