With Just Four Colors… Working with a limited palette

… And a waterbrush…  Oh, the colors that can be created! This exercise was done with Derwent brand watercolor pencils. Note the ratio of colors used when making the secondary colors.  Knowing this information before you paint is a real time saver.  Colors: Lemon Cadmium, Crimson Lake, Prussian Blue & Golden Brown It’s important to […]

What is Going to Catch My Eye?

             I organize a group of sketchers that meet once a month for what we call a SketchCrawl. We meet at various places around the Bluffton-Hilton Head area and sketch what ever is in front of us.  For the last several months, our Sketchcrawls have been virtual.  I’ve been sketching a lot of plants in […]

Bloomin’ Wetlands

My favorite boardwalk trail through the wetlands is blooming away. Pickerelweed, Pontederia cordata, is a favorite of mine. Are the flowers blue or purple or both? Something I pondered for quite awhile before doing this painting. When I first started walking this trail, 3 years ago, Pickerelweed was the dominate plant. It now makes a […]