Over the last month, Rob and I have been noticing a pair of Kildeer hanging out in the same spot close the curb on a road we frequent. Could it be they are nesting? It would be just like Kildeer to nest in this precarious spot – traffic all around. Mind you, the road is […]
Category Archives: Nature Art
Water Studies
I have had a long love affair with water. One of my earliest journal entries was of a reflection study at Look Park in Massachusetts. In the 90’s I explored water, this time my media was fiber. I was weaving on an 8 harness floor loom. Great fun! Now, all that know me understand my […]
Breeding Plumage
The other day I saw a Great Egret with the beginnings of breeding plumage! Such a celebration to see these magnificent birds alive and well. To think they were once hunted and killed for their plumes for the millinery trade. Thank you, George Bird Grinnell for creating the Audubon Society in 1886 and for the […]
Rewind to October
Commission jobs are still rolling in and taking most of my time but, I finally finished this journal page from October and had to share 🙂 Rob and I traveled to Columbia to pick up my painting that didn’t sell at the State Fair. It was a beautiful sunny day, and while Rob drove, I […]