The other day I saw a Great Egret with the beginnings of breeding plumage! Such a celebration to see these magnificent birds alive and well. To think they were once hunted and killed for their plumes for the millinery trade. Thank you, George Bird Grinnell for creating the Audubon Society in 1886 and for the […]
Category Archives: Nature Journaling
Sea Pine Forest Preserve
Lake Mary, at Sea Pine Forest Preserve, on Hilton Head Island, SC is one of our favorite spots to spend the day. We bring the dogs, our cameras, my scope and most important…. my journaling supplies. The dogs get so excited as we make the turn into the Preserve. We head for the picnic table […]
Baby, it’s cold outside! (more journal reflections)
Back in 1981, I was living in Littleton, MA. Frost patterns on the windows have always intrigued me. One of my bedroom windows faced east and I can remember this lovely, cold, January morning as the sun streamed through the window creating such beauty through the frost. Tooooo bad that you can’t see the image […]
Do You Know Where You Were In January 1976?
For me, the New Year always brings a time of reflection. Back to my journals I go 🙂 1976 was my second year out of college. The New Year began with reflections of the summer of 1974 when my college friends and I spent our last ‘free’ summer after college on the Cape (MA). This […]
So What’s the Journaling Hold Up?
Here’s a bit of what’s kept me from getting out-in-the-field! The Wedding Concertina was a delight to work on. My client was taken with a Marriage Blessing read at a wedding she attended. I was tickled when Judy contacted me and asked what type of calligraphic goodie could be created using the Blessing so the […]
Oh Boy! New Watercolor Pencils!
I decided to treat myself to a set of 12 Finest Artists’ Quality watercolor pencils by Faber-Castell called Albrecht Durer (there are two dots over the u in Durer). The pesky little tin of 12 was on the expensive side….$24.00. I probably could have picked them up, at a better price on line but, I […]