Marsh Fern

It is my quest, this summer, to learn the ferns common to the low country. I studied them while enrolled in the SC Master Naturalist program but, there was so much I was studying, that I didn’t have the time to let each one’s characteristics shine in my mind. The only way I know to […]

Nature Journaling From Afar

Let’s face it, the majority of mankind lives in suburbia and the chances of observing intimate wildlife dramas are few and far between. But ahhhhhhh, there is a solution…. Webcam’s! You can watch to your hearts delight and cause no stress to the animal you’re viewing. On March 8th, I checked out Palmetto Electric’s webcam […]

Loblolly Bay

When visiting Honey Horn Plantation last week, I noticed a pretty flowering tree. It was labeled Loblolly Bay Gordonia lasianthus. The name stuck with me as I only associated the name ‘Loblolly’ with pine trees. It’s a native tree. One, I decided, that would be great to find in the wild. As I entered my […]