Back in March I finally had the opportunity to sketch 2 trees (very dead) that I enjoy keeping track of. This spring, every time we walked this trail, more and more trees had rotted and fallen due to unnatural standing water. Poor judgement or lack of care in this housing development turned a Bottom Land […]
Category Archives: Nature Journaling
Adding to an Old Journal Page
In my previous post “Thank you PlantGal” I told of the story about after more than a year since my “Beard- tongue Or? post, I finally received an answer to an ID question! Now to finish the journal page with the correct plant name! Well, I didn’t leave a whole lot of room […]
Early May Sketches
On the north end of Hilton Head Island is a lovely place called Jarvis Creek Park. I like to visit and sketch the pond and it’s surroundings. There is a dock for fishing with big signs saying ‘Do not feed the alligators.’ In fact, these signs are posted all along the shoreline. No fresh water […]
May Day 2010
A lovely day in the low country. I spied these blue-flag iris and had to stop and sketch them. The surprise was finding mock strawberries at my feet 🙂 They were quite a good size and it puzzled me at the wild strawberries I’m used to were teeny. My wildflower guide cleared up the mystery. These plants […]
It’s Verizon Heritage Golf Tournament Time Again
Tuesday was practice day for the golf pros. Rob and I arrived late morning and immediately went to one of our favorite spots on the Harbour Town Golf Links – the convergence of #2 green, #3 tee, #6 green and #7 tee. This year I parked myself behind the #7 tee box and watercolor sketched […]
Bay Street in Beaufort, SC
One point of Bay Street in Beaufort, SC runs along side of the Beaufort River. The bank has stately Live Oaks and on the other side of the street are beautiful historic homes. The view is sooooooo darn wonderful you want to pinch yourself to make sure you’re not in a dream. I was able […]