My favorite boardwalk trail through the wetlands is blooming away. Pickerelweed, Pontederia cordata, is a favorite of mine. Are the flowers blue or purple or both? Something I pondered for quite awhile before doing this painting. When I first started walking this trail, 3 years ago, Pickerelweed was the dominate plant. It now makes a […]
Category Archives: Observations
Spring is popping all over the place 🙂 Today’s dog walk on and around the boardwalk yielded lots of sights. In just the last couple of days, a lot more tree species are starting to pop. The bare deciduous landscape is now dotted with splashes of bright yellow green, grass green, mineral green, pink and […]
Yummie Carolina Spring Day
Toady I practiced being a vegetable, soaking up the sun and enjoying what ever birds flew by. I did see 2 barn swallows, though they were using different tactics to gather insects. I always enjoy watching their flight patterns as the pluck insects from the air but today, they were both on the ground driving […]
Peepers, Leopards and Bronzes…… Oh My!
Well, my title doesn’t roll off the tongue quite like Lions Tigers, and Bears…. oh my! But, the evening frog chorus that has filled my ears for the last week sure does bring a smile. Yellow Jessamine, Gelsemium sempervirens (l.) Aiton f., has started to bloom once again. I broke off a sprig and put […]
Spring Peeper
In the late evening of Ground Hog day, after Phil had seen his shadow, I heard a lone Spring Peeper, Pseudacris crucifer, call from the woods 🙂 There is hope that is cold blast will end!
Hello, Winter Solstice!
We had unusually warm weather the last week. It’s about to end as winter officially begins. I did notice a few new blooms on the Yellow Jessamine vine at the edge of the wood. The spark of yellow is quite lively against the back drop bare trees.