Bloomin’ Wetlands

My favorite boardwalk trail through the wetlands is blooming away. Pickerelweed, Pontederia cordata, is a favorite of mine. Are the flowers blue or purple or both? Something I pondered for quite awhile before doing this painting. When I first started walking this trail, 3 years ago, Pickerelweed was the dominate plant. It now makes a […]


Spring is popping all over the place 🙂 Today’s dog walk on and around the boardwalk yielded lots of sights. In just the last couple of days, a lot more tree species are starting to pop. The bare deciduous landscape is now dotted with splashes of bright yellow green, grass green, mineral green, pink and […]

Yummie Carolina Spring Day

Toady I practiced being a vegetable, soaking up the sun and enjoying what ever birds flew by. I did see 2 barn swallows, though they were using different tactics to gather insects. I always enjoy watching their flight patterns as the pluck insects from the air but today, they were both on the ground driving […]