The South Carolina Audubon Center at Francis Beidler Forest has a great blog. Changing Seasons is a recent post that tells how weather can affect autumn color. The fall colors, in my part of Beaufort County, have inspired me this year. I’d say peak color was 2 weeks ago but, there are still some pockets […]
Category Archives: Observations
The time of the long shadows…
The romance of late summer evenings has arrived in the low country. Even though our day time highs are in the 90’s, the early evenings cool right down. No haze remains from the heat and the warm yellow light of the setting sun is absolutely beautiful. It’s the time of the long shadows. This was […]
Boardwalk Sights
Great night on the boardwalk. It’s been so quite of late, barely a song bird! But, tonight… actually around 7:30 p.m, we made our way along the boardwalk and saw a doe with her fawn! The fawn had remnants of it’s white spots and the light hair around it’s eyes, just like Mom. A green […]
Recent Low Country Observations
Well, life’s been a tad crazy, busy lately! September starts the fall season for my nature journaling workshops and local outdoor art festivals. I’ve paintings to create, workshops to promote, teaching materials to gather and commission jobs to finish. This leaves little time to draw in my journal, scan journal pages and post to the […]