It’s official… The bird feeder station is my shiny bobble. Making breakfast? What birds are feeding? Doing dishes? Who’s visiting under the feeder? Making dinner? Surely I have time to check the bird feeders out! Quick fountain pen captures as I view the feeders through a scope from the kitchen window… shiny bobble all the […]
Category Archives: Pen Sketches
Sketchercize Day – A 10-Minute Start
I’m very fortunate to work on a lovely private island consisting of 3,000 acres of wild lowcounty South Carolina habitat that has over 30 miles of trails. My job requires a lot of computer time. If I’m not careful, I can spend the whole work day with minimal movement… the bad health habit taking […]
Ten-Minute Tuesday / Building a page 10 minutes at a time
On September 2nd, my first marks on the page were of a cardinal sitting on the branch outside the kitchen window. He kept posing, so I kept sketching. The next morning, bunny came to visit as I was making breakfast. It’s tough to sketch when other duties call – even with the timer set to […]
10-Minute Tuesday / Bunny Visits
Under our bird feeder station is a busy place for birds and critters to gather. A couple of squirrels can be found there anytime of day, along with juvi cardinals, doves, grackles, brown thrashers and an occasional visit by an eastern towhee. Every now and then, I’ll pass by the kitchen window in the evening […]
10-Minute Tuesday
All week I’ve been watching the hummingbird wars at the feeder. In past years, I’ve only seen a lone female at the feeder. This year there seem to be two couples. One male has staked out his territory and prevents others from feeding. I’m going to have to put another feeder some distance away so […]
What is Going to Catch My Eye?
I organize a group of sketchers that meet once a month for what we call a SketchCrawl. We meet at various places around the Bluffton-Hilton Head area and sketch what ever is in front of us. For the last several months, our Sketchcrawls have been virtual. I’ve been sketching a lot of plants in […]