Last Sunday morning’s weather was perfect!!! At 9 a.m. it was 72 degrees with no humidity….. in SC…. in August!!! Really? Yes, indeed! Rob, the dogs and I piled into the golf cart and made our way down to the 17th hole of the golf course to enjoy a walk along the cart path before […]
Category Archives: Stillman and Birn Sketchbook
Sunset on the Marsh and Supermoon
The weather has been tops lately. I love that it is staying light until 8:30 or so. I’ve been taking advantage and going for bike rides with a sketchbook tucked in the basket. Didn’t get real far this particular evening. I stopped on the golf cart bridge that leads to the ninth green and was […]
A Field of Lanceleaf Coreopsis
Want a great way to start the day? Paint a field of wildflowers 🙂 Sorry for the gray background. This is a page from a Stillman & Birn 8.5×11 Alpha Series Journal. So love the paper. I just need a better setup to photograph the pages within. Here are some images from the morning….
Fast Sketching at a Rookery
The rookery on Spring Island is humming, or should I say, clacking right along. When I arrived all I could hear was the clacking of the Wood Storks bills. They decorated the tops of the trees while nesting egrets were sprinkled in the lower vegetation. Please forgive the poor quality of my sketch images. I […]
Easter Sunday found us outside doing the things we enjoy most. Yes, golf was involved… but not for me 🙂 A Sweetgum tree that was close to the putting green offered a branch at eye level. I’ve been wanting to capture their spring flowers for many years. It was great to see a seed pod […]
Bald Cypress
In the middle of the town of Port Royal, SC, there is a treasure… The Cypress Wetland Park. Over the years, the town recognized the value of this wetland and have worked hard to preserve it. Last year they completed a boardwalk that skirts the edge of the wetland. In the middle is an island […]