With muck boots on, off I went into the woods that flank the east side of our home. We always have deer in our front and back yard. I wanted to see where they live. This is a good time of year to traverse the woods…. no bugs to speak of and that particular morning […]
Category Archives: Trees
Bald Cypress
In the middle of the town of Port Royal, SC, there is a treasure… The Cypress Wetland Park. Over the years, the town recognized the value of this wetland and have worked hard to preserve it. Last year they completed a boardwalk that skirts the edge of the wetland. In the middle is an island […]
Workshop Demo Pages
Here are two journal pages I created during a couple of workshops, as demonstrations for students. The left was sketched with a black 02 Micron pen. The right was sketched en plein air using an 005 Sepia Micron pen, then painted with watercolors using a waterbrush. The assignment here was for students to sketch what […]
Biking and Sketching in Sea Pines
It was a beauty of a day in the low country. Rob and I took our bikes into Sea Pines Plantation on Hilton Head Island. Sea Pines is a large resort and residential plantation at the south end of the island. Charles Fraser, a real estate developer, transformed HHI with the creation of Sea Pines, […]
Happy Redbud on Veterans Day
Veterans Day found me sketching a favorite Redbud tree. It struck me as happy with it’s branches lifting up toward the sky. A smattering of brightly colored leaves were like icing on a cake. Freedom makes my heart sing. Thank you, Veterans, for your bravery and sacrifices that helped keep our country free!
Redbuds Blooming Early!
Happy Sadie Hawkins Day! This is the first day in a while that’s been nice when Rob has it off 🙂 We took advantage… Off to the driving range we went. Rob with clubs, me with paints. This little Redbud sits just over a small hill from the tree I painted last March 8th. This […]