Palette Knife Painting

Please click to enlarge Two weeks ago I took part in a Jane Smithers oil painting workshop.  We used only a palette knife to apply paint to our substrates.  I’ve not painted with oils since college and this time around chose Holbein’s duo aqua oils as I want to not get involved with the chemicals […]

Nature News

You know I have to have no time at all when I post photographs instead of journal page sketches! A pair of Carolina Wrens have blessed a potted plant that sits right outside of our front door to build their nest. They must be okay with Rob, the dogs and me since this door is […]

My Current View

In April, I could see out of my right eye better without my current glasses. Now… it’s the same with and without glasses….  Sketching has become increasingly difficult and for the last month I’ve only sketched twice. Haven’t bothered to add color.  My left eye is tired. I’m sooooooo looking forward to a better view!

Unpacking – New Neighborhood

We moved over Memorial Day Weekend.  Life is one big box for the immediate future.  This is our first short move – just 10 miles!  I think interstate moves are much more efficient. Here are some views of our new neighborhood.  Can’t wait to finish unpacking/organizing so I can get out and paint some of […]

Banana Tree Flower

Banana FlowerOriginally uploaded by PJBee My friend cut off this amazing banana tree flower/fruit/heart for me to sketch. It’s another of nature’s architectural wonders. The bananas are not edible from this particular plant and they are only about 3″ long. I put this wonder on top of my dryer in the laundry room until I […]