Another favorite tool in my pencil case is General’s Sketch & Wash Pencil. It’s water-soluble graphite. I enjoy it, as up to this point in time, I don’t have the patience to create shaded pencil studies. I do love working in black and white. You can concentrate on tones versus color and in the end, […]
Category Archives: Watercolor Pencils
Water Oaks
Over the last week, the leaves of the tardily deciduous Water Oaks are finally starting to turn yellow. Soon to fall to the ground, I’m sure. Spring, spring, spring! Such a lovely word 🙂
2009 Journaling
The weather has been so cold (for SC) that when we get a day off and it’s warm enough, we’ve chosen to play golf. I don’t mind as golfing has become a ‘2-fer’ for me. The challenge of golf and the pleasure of journaling 🙂 I must say the journaling and my new driver are […]
Water Studies
I have had a long love affair with water. One of my earliest journal entries was of a reflection study at Look Park in Massachusetts. In the 90’s I explored water, this time my media was fiber. I was weaving on an 8 harness floor loom. Great fun! Now, all that know me understand my […]
Watercolor Pencil Workshop at SOBA
I always get so excited when it’s time to teach a workshop. This time the theme was not the usual “How to Create a Nature Journal,” but an “Intro to Watercolor Pencils.” I didn’t mandate what type of paper or watercolor pencils the participants should bring but, insisted that they get a Niji WaterBrush. This […]
Oh Boy! New Watercolor Pencils!
I decided to treat myself to a set of 12 Finest Artists’ Quality watercolor pencils by Faber-Castell called Albrecht Durer (there are two dots over the u in Durer). The pesky little tin of 12 was on the expensive side….$24.00. I probably could have picked them up, at a better price on line but, I […]