We are starting to have warmer weather again. Thank goodness, as it’s felt a lot like January in November and December! When Rob has a day off, we try to get in a golf game. Today was lovely. The low winter sun was diffused with clouds, making the golf balls easier to find among the […]
Category Archives: Watercolor Pencils
Rewind to October
Commission jobs are still rolling in and taking most of my time but, I finally finished this journal page from October and had to share 🙂 Rob and I traveled to Columbia to pick up my painting that didn’t sell at the State Fair. It was a beautiful sunny day, and while Rob drove, I […]
A Rare Alignment….. Venus, Jupiter & Moon
We have had rain since my last post about Venus & Jupiter. I was getting worried that we wouldn’t experience this rare alignment. But, the day’s clear skies held. And, while we toured our neighborhoods Christmas lights celebration, Rob and I celebrated as we witnessed something near and dear to our hearts….. our celestial wonder, […]
Creating an Illustrated Nature Journal Workshop
It’s been a few weeks since this workshop occurred but I so wanted to share the fun! There were only two participants, but we got to take our time and some quality journal pages were created. Here’s a peak! Due to unusually cold weather, we opted to hold our ‘in-the-field’ session indoors. I brought in […]
Nemours Plantation Field Trip
I held my inaugural nature journaling field trip, for past workshop participants, at Nemours Plantation on October 30th. Nemours, a private plantation, is located in northern Beaufort County and extends for 8 miles along the southern bank of the Combahee River. It lies within the ACE Basin – a low country treasure that includes approxamately […]
National Wildlife Refuge Week – Pickney Island
In celebration of National Wildlife Refuge Week, Water-Dog Outfitters has partnered with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to offer tours of Pinckney Island. Rob and I chose to take the hayride tour. We enjoy Pickney Island but, to date, had not been past Ibis Pond. Here was a chance to scope it out and […]