The rookery on Spring Island is humming, or should I say, clacking right along. When I arrived all I could hear was the clacking of the Wood Storks bills. They decorated the tops of the trees while nesting egrets were sprinkled in the lower vegetation. Please forgive the poor quality of my sketch images. I […]
Category Archives: Watercolor Pencils
Around-the-Town Sketching
Back in April, I conducted an Around-the-Town Sketching Workshop in Beaufort for Coastal Art Supply. On the first day, we started by drawing small boxes of various sizes on a page in our sketchbooks. Then we headed outside with just our Micron pens, pencils and sketchbooks. My goals for the students included learning how to […]
Signs of Autumn in the Low Country
Spartina alterniflora Here in the low country of South Carolina, our trees do not rush to change their leaves to the colors of orange, yellow, red, burgundy and purple we so love in Autumn. For that matter, Mother Nature doesn’t abruptly turn the temperature down either! Telltale signs that the hot, humid days of summer […]
A Day at the Beach and Whitelines Paper
Being at the beach on Hilton Head Island in August can make you feel like a sardine packed in oil, in a very small can. The word ‘crowded’ just doesn’t fit the bill. Rob and I found this out back in 2007, our first full year back in the low country since the mid ’80s. […]
Birding with Kelly… AKA Red and the Peanut
Imagine my delight when I received an email from Kelly, of Red and the Peanut, letting me know she’d be visiting Hilton Head Island real soon! I sooo love meeting blogging friends 🙂 click for larger view We met at Pinckney Island Wildlife Management Area and off we went to Ibis Pond. Kelly has a […]
Chechessee Creek Marsh
Chechessee Creek MarshOriginally uploaded by PJBee A stupendous day in the SC lowcountry! No wind to speak of and soft, warm autumn air. It was a joy to sit and sketch this scene of the Chechesse Creek Marsh.