Celebrating the Harvest Moon and Autumnal Equinox II

Ofttimes, when I choose a subject or specimen to paint in my journal, the journey to the completed page takes many roads. Journal…… journey….Hmmmmmm. Kind of goes hand in hand, don’t you think? I wanted to paint this unique Harvest Moon at a very special location. Spring Island immediately came to mind.It’s a 3000 acre […]

Full Moon and Eqiunoxes

10-3-2009 There’s something special happening next week! According to Answers.com, an event that takes place every fifteen years or so!  Drum roll………….. A Full Moon on the Equinox!  You all know I love watercolor sketching full moons.  What a treat this will be!  Mark your calendars, be there or be square 🙂  Thursday, September 23rd.  […]

Full Sturgeon Moon

Full Sturgeon MoonOriginally uploaded by PJBee Lots of names for this full moon! My own is Moon of Many Bugs! This is a real quick wc sketch – perhaps 10 minutes. Between the wee bugs attracted to the book light and the mosquitoes that were licking the bug spray then biting……. I finished up the […]