Vivien Blackburn has posted a Challenge to paint or sketch trees. The sketches must be done from life – my favorite way to sketch and paint 🙂 I’ve gathered together a few that I created. The first is the currently blooming, ever beautiful Loblolly Bay. I cut a sprig from this much loved Loblolly Bay […]
Category Archives: Watercolors
Last Day at Cheraw….. The Dancing Ladies
The weather forecast promised a hot and humid day with a heat index over 100 degrees. We picked up the cart at 7 a.m., and made our way through the woods. The alternate map, Corinna gave me, cut out the narrow bridge of the nature trail. We traversed through more longleaf pine forest. All was […]
Friday….Painting Day at Cheraw
Yes, a day off to golf helped me decide on a subject, and I became a painting machine! Lake Cherokee stole my heart. A number of views were screaming to be painted but, since the temperature was climbing into the 90’s and the humidity rising, a shady spot next to the lake’s outlet won. We […]
A Trip to the Mail Box…..
Sometimes, this student of nature, just can’t stick with her well- intentioned daily ‘to do’ list. But, how often do you run across a brave anole, that could give a rip about you being a zillion times bigger than he is, and just continues hunting bugs 2 inches from your toes? I ask you!?! He […]
Learning Html • Beauty Berry
This is a test to see if I might have figured out how to place images wherever I want them. Yeeha! Can the girl do it?? I need to peak at Preview now and see……Not enough body copy yet, all the type is still above the image. So, I’m adding more body copy below the […]