Cheraw Painting Finished and Delivered!

Cheraw State Park Artist in Residence piece
Please click on image for a larger view.

This poor painting had way too many interruptions, but it finally made it to it’s home at Cheraw State Park.

Rob and I drove up to the park today. Ranger Rick accepted my Artist in Residence piece at the golf course club house. I also presented a CD containing a poster sized image and note cards that they can easily print.

I know State Park funding can sometimes take a back seat. I hope I can add to Cheraw’s bottom line with the sales of these two items.

Thank you, Ranger Rick Smith and your staff for a wonderful week. It will be in my heart always!

Thank you, Mark Davies, at Oconee State Park for spear heading the SC State Park’s Artist in Residence program, and the Placement Committee for granting me this wonderful opportunity!

8 comments on “Cheraw Painting Finished and Delivered!

  1. Thank you Gabrielle! It was a fabulous experience. My goal, one day, is to be AIR at a National Park. Until then, I'll keep applying at both 🙂 Being able to get away and concentrate on the beauty of an area is such a blessing! I wish you much success in your efforts. Go for it!!

  2. Oh wow – what a fabulous opportunity for you! I'll have to go back and catch up on your project posts now that I have half a minute to myself. I've always wanted to be an artist-in-residence someday, somewhere. Congratulations!

  3. Thanks, Ken! I was going for the suggestion of an eagle or osprey as both were present 🙂 Wish you could see it full size (16 x 20) as there are 3 kayakers between the trees in the distance. I was real pleased with the feeling of depth. One of my favorite spots is the tree line on the very left side of the painting.

    I really think my small journal sketches have helped me understand watercolor. Amazing what working two or three times a week on small watercolors will do for larger pieces 🙂

  4. Very nice Pam! Your patience with such an ambitious piece paid off. Though there's much to like what I first notice is the bird in flight(osprey?) and the reflection of clouds on the water. Both add a lot to the painting.

Thanks for visiting and sharing your feedback!