October 1st: the plan…….. Paint!
Well, after a morning and early afternoon of urgent matters taking over, I ended up feeling quite discombobulated! Enough! I have to go clear my head. Off to the tree line behind our house I went, sketchbook and wc pencils in tote.
I’ve been wanting to sketch the peppervine with it’s berries that are turning black. I wandered, trying to settle down. Then I came upon a piece of a twig not more than 8-10 inches long suspended by peppervine. This is it! This is where I will lose myself and become centered once again.
My insides were so wound up. I soon realized I had started my sketch with the wrong color pen. Well, okay, so it’s brown ink. I continued, only to realize I didn’t plan very well and was running out of page for the suspended twig!! I had to finish the twig on the upper right side of the paper!! Then, I didn’t allow enough room for the words ‘Dangling Twig’ and had to hyphenate! And just to top things off, (I hope your giggling at this point) I misspelled hyphenate. Are you sure there is an e and not an o? (I didn’t find this little bit of information out until just now when spell check gave me the ol’ red dotted underline………..sigh.)
Meanwhile, a little bee-like insect kept trying to land on my left hand as I stood in front of the peppervine. I finally got a good look at it’s face and decided it was some type of fly. Sure enough… A Flower Fly that’s in the Wasp mimic group.
I flipped this page over and decided I surely must have worked out all my internal kinks. What else could I find? A little further down I discovered that the small grouping of mist flowers were still blooming. I started a new page. I’m happy to say it’s coming along. My plein air sketch in now waiting to be colored and my research on the plant added with some sort of calligraphy.
I too am back to my centered self. Thank you Nature!
P.S. Don’t forget…… Tonight is the Harvest Moon! Music to celebrate this is by Leon Redbone.