Exploring a Magnolia Seed Pod in Ink & Watercolor

How do you ignore Nature when she drops a gift at your feet?

Magnolia seed pod nature journal page with ink drawings and watercolor rendering by pam johnson brickell

On a Saturday in June, I was walking along a path shaded by live oaks, loblolly pines and a southern magnolia. A seed pod from the magnolia dropped right in front of me.

I took it as a sign to explore this beauty with ink and watercolor. It was a timely discovery! On Tuesdays, I hold live demos on my instagram account page: @penpaintandjournal. What a perfect specimen to sketch!

You can watch how the seed pod and I worked together to create this journal page. The first session can be viewed here. The following week, I completed the journal page with a watercolor rendering: watch the process here.

Please join me on Tuesdays around 2 pm (est) for more live sessions. You never know what goodies will be explored with ink and watercolor. If you follow my IG page, you’ll be notified when I go live!

For more art tips, please check out this page of prior posts here.