Garden Journal Workshop Offering

Are you ready for an Artful Autumn Get-Away?

In conjunction with Coastal Art Supply and The Beaufort Inn
I will be conducting 
A Garden Journal Workshop

October 25, 26 and 27 · 10 am – 3:30 pm 

Images from the May 2011 Garden Journal Workshop

Autumn in the low country of South Carolina…. kiss the humidity goodbye and say hello to perfect Carolina blue skies and temperatures that will sooth your soul. Plan an Artful Autumn Get-Away and visit the delightful destination of Beaufort, South Carolina.
I am excited to join forces with Beaufort County’s own Laura Lee Rose, a Clemson Extension horticulture agent and one of the area’s foremost advocates of horticulture. She teaches the Master Gardener curriculum, oversees county-wide horticulture projects, speaks to schools and community groups, and has been active in organizing and promoting Beaufort’s downtown community garden.
Learn sketching, page design, watercolor, lettering and artful journaling techniques from Pam and valuable plant identification, information and other horticultural goodies from Laura Lee.  
By the end of the workshop you’ll experience the joys of keeping a garden journal and discover first hand how it can be utilized to plan your garden and serves as a record of your gardening trials and triumphs.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention…. lunch is provided by Southern Graces… Yum!

For information and registration call Coastal Art Supply at 843-524-2782

For lodging information, please click both the link attached to 
The Beaufort Inn and Beaufort, South Carolina. 

12 comments on “Garden Journal Workshop Offering

  1. Hi Carol, good to hear from you! There are plants for every season here. Our coastal climate keeps a gardener busy all year. Fall is the time for major plantings as they have time to settle in before the heat of summer. It was hard to get used to planting trees in the fall when we first arrived 🙂

  2. Hi Carol, good to hear from you! There are plants for every season here. Our coastal climate keeps a gardener busy all year. Fall is the time for major plantings as they have time to settle in before the heat of summer. It was hard to get used to planting trees in the fall when we first arrived 🙂

  3. This looks wonderful, wish I were closer. Just took care of someone headed to Bluffton. Do the gardens have a second wind in the fall? Thinking they are somewhat dormant int eh summer heat.

  4. This looks wonderful, wish I were closer. Just took care of someone headed to Bluffton. Do the gardens have a second wind in the fall? Thinking they are somewhat dormant int eh summer heat.

  5. Oh this sounds wonderful. Wish I could be there. Thanks for your nice comments about Annie. She is doing much better today. Now our troubles begin tho.. Keeping an Active Border Collie down for two weeks. yikes. Color me stressed still. So its relaxing to come see what everyone is doing here in blog land.

  6. Oh this sounds wonderful. Wish I could be there. Thanks for your nice comments about Annie. She is doing much better today. Now our troubles begin tho.. Keeping an Active Border Collie down for two weeks. yikes. Color me stressed still. So its relaxing to come see what everyone is doing here in blog land.

Thanks for visiting and sharing your feedback!