Our back yard is my much loved Nature nook. The tree line is just beyond the bird and squirrel feeding stations. The woods provide homes for many of our local critters.
In early June, I noticed one of the visiting bunnies had a hurt right rear leg with an open wound on the top of its ankle. Oh to be a wild animal whisperer and then bunny might allow me to care for it. While the squirrels are getting brave around me, bunnies not so much. I offered up daily prayers and hoped for the best. I’m happy to say that yesterday bunny was putting weight on the hurt leg when hopping. But when it feeds, the foot it held off the ground and is turned inward.
Behind the Scenes Look…
Here’s my sketching station setup in our dinette and a peek at the building of this two-month journal page. The sketches are made from direct observations, either viewing through the scope or with my naked eye. I added watercolor to the entire page a few days ago.

In the first image, you’ll see a couple of colored pencil bunny sketches that were erased to make room for more ink sketches. I find spontaneity works best for me when recording backyard finds. This method suits me better than having a design plan up front. It’s all a part I do pay attention to flow and keep sketches placed so my eye will flow from one to the other.
My Tip:
In years to come, the discoveries you record in a journal will bring smiles and transport you back in time. The art and Nature journey you are on builds each time you create a sketch or pick up a paint brush. Enjoy this journey and trust your heart!