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I love joining my husband for a game of golf. He loves the game. I love the scenery.
It was a crisp, sunny day and it felt mighty fine to be outside. Signs of Spring are beginning to show. Red maples and yellow jessamine are blooming, sheltered redbuds are starting to pop, I heard leopard frogs last week and saw some robins. The lowcountry comes alive once again : )
Thank you, Ed! I love the ArtToolKit palettes. The case is SketchBuddy by Guerrilla Sketcher / Judson's art supplies. I love using it – especially when I need to work in a confined space. Ahhh, lettering. It doesn't always work on site. I was relaxed this day and made out well. I use a Faber Castell Pitt Art Pen and widen the down strokes of my letters. Try it with your lettering. Just leave more space between the letters when you first write the words. Then go back and add thickness to your down strokes. At first, it took me a bit to really think about which were my down strokes… writing is so automatic. Just revisit grade school lettering and you'll be on your way : )
Looks Beautiful! That's a nice looking setup You have there. It also looks like You letter with Your paintbrush…..that saves on bringing more tools, but for me that would take a lot of practice. I have enough problems trying to write legibly with a pen.
Hi L. Conkey Shaw! Many years ago I did journal while golfing. Not the same setup you see in the above pictures. There is a story to this tale. I'll make my next post about it. I did take 10 strokes off of my game this way : )
so are you golfing as well, or just painting. I think it would be hard to do both. 🙂 I have a golfer for a husband as well. I love the joining of the two hobbies.