Welcome to the new home for my original blog, South Carolina Lowcountry Nature Journaling and Art!  New entries are posted often.   I invite you follow  along.  Just enter your email address to the right (if viewing on a desktop – at the bottom if viewing on a phone) and click on ‘subscribe’.   I look forward to reading your comments.

Nature News

You know I have to have no time at all when I post photographs instead of journal page sketches! A pair of Carolina Wrens have blessed a potted plant that sits right outside of our front door to build their nest. They must be okay with Rob, the dogs and me since this door is […]

The Crescent Moon, Venus and Earthshine

Earthshine… what a lovely word! I probably learned it as a youth, but paying attention to science, history and math really wasn’t my thing back then 🙂  Just imagine if illustrated nature journaling was part of my school’s classroom curriculum…. ooh, la, la… what fun it would have been to learn these subjects through art! […]