It’s always such a joy to visit Three Sisters Farm for our SketchCrawl. Beth Lee, one of the owners and sisters, gave us a tour of the gardens, then our small group scattered to the four winds to sketch.
Art Goal for the Day . . .
. . . Capture a sense of place. As always, I need more pages and time! The rows of of greens that included various kale plants, backed up by snap peas, caught my eye. They were the first to be painted. Then the red clover was added. These two areas were painted with the direct watercolor method. For the strawberry snippet in the lower right, I decided to do an ink drawing first and then add color.

I love to paint using the direct watercolor method. Drawing and painting with each stroke of the brush. It helps me hone eye, mind, heart and hand coordination. It’s quick and immediate – always a thrill!
Thanks for inviting your (former) followers to continue the journey with you. I enjoy seeing your art in my inbox. Congrats on your latest chapter.
Thank you, Jean! I love seeing your posts and work. Always inspiring!