Whether you found your way here from my prior blog, South Carolina Lowcountry Nature Journaling & Art, or are discovering my work for the first time . . . A heartfelt Welcome to You!
I invite you to check out my new online digs. Building this site was a labor of love and
a bit more tech than I’m used to! But throughout my life it’s been my experience
that you can’t go wrong following your heart, especially when it’s filled with love!
I’d be honored to have you join my email list.
I send out monthly studio news including art tips, workshop announcements ~ both free tutorials
and online offerings and other art ramblings.
Please click on ‘Sign Up Here‘ button above just under the top banner image. This will bring
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You’ll become a part of my creative community, filled with like minded souls that love to share what they’ve discovered and explored on their journal pages.

“Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you”
~ Frank Lloyd Wright