10-Minute Tuesday / Blue Lobelia

 This has been a busy week!  In the past few weeks, my 10 minute sketch usually has taken
place well before Tuesday.  This time, Monday was the day.   

I did two 10 minute direct watercolor sketches.  The first subject was a bit complicated
for 10 minutes, especially with the so-so paper being used.  The sketch is not anywhere near
done – a lot of leaves are missing, not to mention more detail on the berry clusters. 
But it served as a warmup for painting the Blue Lobelia.  Warmups are a good thing!

This is very loose interpretation of the lobelia plant, but I’m liking it : ) 
I used a no. 12 Loew-Cornell 7000 series round brush.  The paper is heavily sized.
The paint wouldn’t dry and I did feel a bit frustrated with losing the highlights
on the flowers and cluster of greenery at the top of the plant.
Moral of the story:  use paper that helps not hinders.
Experiment.  Kiss those frogs… you’ll find what you like!

8″ x 5″

Here is the start to the Beautyberry. 
I’ll try this again, but not as a 10 minute direct watercolor piece.
And, will use better paper!

Thanks for visiting and sharing your feedback!