Breeding Plumage

The other day I saw a Great Egret with the beginnings of breeding plumage! Such a celebration to see these magnificent birds alive and well. To think they were once hunted and killed for their plumes for the millinery trade. Thank you, George Bird Grinnell for creating the Audubon Society in 1886 and for the […]

Nemours Plantation Field Trip

I held my inaugural nature journaling field trip, for past workshop participants, at Nemours Plantation on October 30th. Nemours, a private plantation, is located in northern Beaufort County and extends for 8 miles along the southern bank of the Combahee River. It lies within the ACE Basin – a low country treasure that includes approxamately […]

Fall Bird Observations

Joy of joys, I just heard two Barred Owls talking to each other in the woods behind our home. I’ve been hooting back to one for weeks. I’m happy it finally found the real thing 🙂 I’ve seen Fish Crows in very large flocks lately. One flock decided to roost at my friends home near […]