June and July were great months for live sketching backyard visitors from the comfort of our air conditioned home! August is starting strong as well : )
Art Tip Tuesday ~ Ink, Water, Feathers & Fur… Oh My!

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June and July were great months for live sketching backyard visitors from the comfort of our air conditioned home! August is starting strong as well : )
It’s always such a joy to visit Three Sisters Farm for our SketchCrawl. Beth Lee, one of the owners and sisters, gave us a tour of the gardens, then our small group scattered to the four winds to sketch. Art Goal for the Day . . . . . . Capture a sense of place. […]
Creating a Journal Page from Photographs We checked out Beaufort County’s newest passive park: Widgeon Point Preserve. A real beauty that can be found off of Rt 170, just before the Broad River Bridge when heading into Beaufort from Okatie. I didn’t bring my journaling supplies with me. This was a day for the dogs. […]
Wowza! I’ve spent the last few weeks getting to know WordPress and building a new site that will give me so many more options to connect with you. Understand that this is a work in progress. There may be pages and older blog posts that don’t work quite right just yet, not to mention duplicate […]
Suet feeder birds drawn from images taken with my iPhone camera held up to my birding scope. We’ve had a run of cold, raw, grey days with just a day or two of sunshine in between – highly unusual. I’ve lived in the lowcountry long enough to have become quite used to having a lot […]
Do you see any pertinent information missing from this page? I didn’t notice the ‘omission’ until creating this blog post. I will correct my journal page, but thought this would be a good quiz for you. How did the omission happen? I was feeling ‘Late for a very important date!’ so to speak. AKA: It’s […]