Category Archives: Pen Sketches
The Sketchbook Project – Final Update
Here are the final pages. I had to clean these up quite a bit from the original scans. The wrinkled paper and the difficulty I had getting the book to lay flat on the scan bed was a real treat…. Especially at 2 am in the morning 🙂 click all images to enlarge It was […]
Sneak Peak at New Project
And, that’s all I’m saying 🙂 ……..Stay tuned!
Our Thanksgiving Celebration
Our Thanksgiving CelebrationOriginally uploaded by PJBee Rob and I have lived away from our families a lot. We were able to travel to them a good part of the time but when we couldn’t we kept the Thanksgiving tradition alive and well in our own home. This year I decided to record the way we […]
Foxglove Plus….
Picked my last clipping from our NY home. More on this much love house here.
In Honor of Two Trees
Back in March I finally had the opportunity to sketch 2 trees (very dead) that I enjoy keeping track of. This spring, every time we walked this trail, more and more trees had rotted and fallen due to unnatural standing water. Poor judgement or lack of care in this housing development turned a Bottom Land […]