3 comments on “Foxglove Plus….

  1. Hi, Ann. Thanks for stopping in. I love Canson Edition for journaling. I tried it as soon as you wrote about it. Love the way it takes wc pencils, pen and watercolor. I've gotten it quite wet with washes and there is no buckling. My journal pages are 5.5 x 7.5 and 11 x 7.5. The only thing that doesn't seem to work real well is scrubbing color off – so I live with my unwise choices 🙂

  2. Lovely, inspiring page! So sad about your house though, but nice to hear it has good new owners.
    Thanks for sharing your pen tests below too. How do you like Canson Edition for your jounrnals? I'm on my third journal with it and still like it best of all.

  3. Lovely, inspiring page! So sad about your house though, but nice to hear it has good new owners.
    Thanks for sharing your pen tests below too. How do you like Canson Edition for your jounrnals? I'm on my third journal with it and still like it best of all.

Thanks for visiting and sharing your feedback!