I’ve been tickled for weeks as January’s Full Moon falls on my birthday this year 🙂 How great is that…. a present from the cosmos! The morning started off with total cloud cover, but the forecast called for clearing. Sure enough, when I took the dogs for their late afternoon walk the sky was beautiful […]
Category Archives: Watercolors
Christmas Commission
Now I can share what filled a chunk of my pre-holiday elfin magic 🙂 This lovely home is located in Colleton River Plantation. The view of the river from the equally large back porch is outstanding. Thank you Linda and Nancy for the opportunity to surprise your folks this Christmas!
Moon Convergence with Planet Venus
One of the many reasons I love our dogs is that they have to be walked. So many sights I would have missed if not outside with them. This is a memory sketch of yesterday’s celestial happening. You can see it this evening, too 🙂Look in the western sky not too long after sunset. The […]
An 11.11.11 Thank You
Please click to enlarge This shell will always have a special place on our bookshelves.It’s a memento from my Dad’s Basic Training days at Parris Island. He wrote the date on the shell. I can see him walking the shoreline of Port Royal Sound and finding this treasure as he contemplated his next steps into […]
Black-crowned Night Heron Juvi
click to enlarge It was a sunny, crisp morning. The wind kicked up a bit and the dogs were frisky in the cooler temps. On the way back from our morning walk I spotted five Great Egrets and a couple of Black-crowned Night Heron juvi’s roosting in the trees along the pond near our home. […]
Garden Journal Workshop Offering
Are you ready for an Artful Autumn Get-Away? In conjunction with Coastal Art Supply and The Beaufort InnI will be conducting A Garden Journal Workshop October 25, 26 and 27 · 10 am – 3:30 pm Beaufort, South Carolina Images from the May 2011 Garden Journal Workshop Autumn in the low country of South Carolina…. kiss the […]