Moon Convergence with Planet Venus

One of the many reasons I love our dogs is that they have to be walked. So many sights I would have missed if not outside with them.

This is a memory sketch of yesterday’s celestial happening. You can see it this evening, too 🙂
Look in the western sky not too long after sunset. The new Moon is a little over two days old and is only visible for a short time around sunset.

16 comments on “Moon Convergence with Planet Venus

  1. The other morning I woke up early and looking out the bathroom window I didn't know what I was seeing – it had been that long since the skies were clear enough to show so many stars! Beautiful painting – great to have dogs to get you out and about. My word verification this time is
    guitism. Perhaps that's what dogs have that make you have to take them outside for walks?

  2. The other morning I woke up early and looking out the bathroom window I didn't know what I was seeing – it had been that long since the skies were clear enough to show so many stars! Beautiful painting – great to have dogs to get you out and about. My word verification this time is
    guitism. Perhaps that's what dogs have that make you have to take them outside for walks?

  3. Beautiful, Pam! Here in Chicago it's been raining for two days, so no moon viewing for us. I also appreciate our dog for making sure that I get out and about to see the surrounding beauty.

  4. Beautiful, Pam! Here in Chicago it's been raining for two days, so no moon viewing for us. I also appreciate our dog for making sure that I get out and about to see the surrounding beauty.

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