Celebrate Earth Day!

How happy I am that Earth Day marks my very first blog post!  I remember taking part in the first Earth Day ever (that’s dating me).  My farming neighborhood (in Dudley, MA) got together and cleaned up a party parking spot on the less traveled Farley Road.  Lots of beer cans/bottles and just plain old trash.  That began my pet peeve against littering.  I’ll never understand why we humans find it so difficult to pick up after ourselves…….
But, lets get back to the low country and much warmer weather than New England is having on this glorious spring day!  The Sweetbay Magnolia virginiana tree in my neighborhood is starting to bloom.  I wish I could install a scratch and sniff button on this blog as the fragrance of Sweetbay blooms is so heady and delicious 🙂  I love walking the dogs toward that patch of woods when there is a west breeze.  My head fills with this wonderful scent and a smile spreads across my face.  I let the dogs sniff every bush along the way just so I can enjoy this delight.  
I will post my field sketches of the blossoms in the next few weeks.  Right now though, it’s back to the easel.  I’ve a show this weekend at the Art Market at Honey Horn on Hilton Head Island.
One more painting to finish.  Yes, I’m a right up to the deadline girl…….

1 comments on “Celebrate Earth Day!

  1. Hmmm, I think I remember that parking lot!! This was a perfect day for YOU to enter the blogosphere. . .I am certain now that you have built it they will come!!

    Shelly (aka adoring neice!)

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