Don’t Miss the Perseid Meteor Shower This Week!

Okay all you night owls and early risers…. The night sky has a great show this week and the crescent moon will set early enough so viewing will not be hampered.  Peak activity for the Perseids is August 12th – 13th and peak viewing time is just before dawn with approximately 50 meteors per hour!

For more information on meteor showers check out this great site that gives Tools, Tips and ‘Save the Dates’ info for viewing the best meteor showers of the year.

3 comments on “Don’t Miss the Perseid Meteor Shower This Week!

  1. Just before dawn? I can't remember the last time I was up before dawn! ha ha Maybe I'll have to try…I can always sneak in a nap later, right, and sometimes you just shouldn't miss the free shows you get from Mother Nature.

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