The Heritage Golf Tournament • Day 3

I so love the Live Oaks that separate holes 13 and 14 at Harbour Town Golf Links. Heck, I love Live Oaks period!

We arrived quite early so we could set up our chairs at this beautiful spot. I should have started to paint the view then but instead we walked down 12 to 11.

Along the way I spotted a  Sabal Palmetto that made me salute nature. Given the chance, a seed will grow… no matter that it’s on a tree’s trunk!  Hmmm, we humans share this same trait. We can grow and flourish no matter our circumstances 🙂

A fern (spleenwort?), Virginia Creeper vine and Wax Myrtle tree/shrub were sprouting from several crevices on the palms trunk. Such a wonder.

I started the painting above but then we needed to head back to holes 2,3,6 and 7 so we could catch the leaders.  I took a reference photo of the scene with my iPod. You can see the trees way off in the upper right. I love the feature of being able to enlarge an image with the touch of my fingers 🙂

At least this gave me a bit of reference to continue from. Between the photo, the shapes that were laid in and my memory, I was able to complete the page while sitting at our next location. Well, all but the tiny blobs (people) in the bleachers.  I needed gouache for them as I was a bit too generous with the green of the bleachers.  Not to mention the flag’s pole was white! Once home, the gallery and flag stick were painted. Thank goodness for opaque paint 🙂

Here is a shot (again with my iPod) of the painting before we moved.  Not much there, but enough.
We normally don’t attend the tournament on Sunday. The crowds are way too heavy and it gives us a chance to recover. Play can be hard work!

Congrats Brandt! You had a great round 🙂

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