Nature Journaling – My Favorite art supplies

Something I love to say is: “The longer I live, the better the art supplies become!”  I have used many different art materials over the years for journaling, but my favorites are pictured here.  They include: 12 watercolor pencils (still trying out various brands, for now Derwent is working well), Pigma Micron or Pitt archival, waterproof and light fast sketching pens, General’s Sketch and Wash pencils, Niji Waterbrushes, 5mm mechanical pencils, click erasers by Staedtler or Pentel, and for my sketch pad, I just love the quality paper found in Aquabee’s Super Deluxe Sketch Book.  In my Bagworks clip-on pencil case I include a pencil sharpener, small jackknife, 6″ clear plastic ruler and a small piece of thin sponge (found in grocery stores, sometimes called cloth sponge).  You might think this is a lot of ‘stuff ‘ to carry but that’s the beauty of the Bagworks pencil case.  All my pencils, pens etc., fit into it, so when I head out, it’s clipped to a belt loop and my sketch book is in hand.  I’ve eliminated the excuse that the art supplies are too cumbersome!  So, get out there and enjoy!  Sink into nature and capture the day!  Now, that’s living  🙂

All of the above art supplies are found at Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff.  When I conduct a workshop, I order the supplies for the participants.   I like everyone to use the same materials.  I know they won’t be disappointed or run into any art material ‘frustration’ with these carefully chosen goodies 🙂
Watercolor pencils are the best thing since stickie notes, and ‘waterbrushes’ are the greatest as you no longer have to worry about toting water and delicate watercolor brushes into the field.  I like things simple, but I also like products that give great results. In my opinion, watercolor pencils offer the freedom of exploring water-media without the frustration often associated with traditional watercolors.  

Thanks for visiting and sharing your feedback!