Spotted Eagle Ray Designs

This will be on the back of the shirt.

We are all preparing for Camp Spring Island at work.  I’m in charge of designing T shirts for the campers and volunteers.  This year we are celebrating the Spotted Eagle Ray.

I love the research process when I’m asked to drawn something totally unfamiliar.  The best and most inspirational find on Google was a set of amazing videos by ARKive.  Check them out here.

Each Spotted Eagle Ray sports unique spots.  This made me smile, as once I capture the outline shape of the ray, I made up my own spot design 🙂

Front left image

The front of the T shirt will have a small image on the upper left chest area.

Water bottle logo

This year, we are also going to have water bottles for the campers.  I love that I get to create art at work!

Thanks for visiting and sharing your feedback!