Ten-Minute Tuesday / Muscadine Vine & Spanish Moss

Yes, I so love water soluble ink!
You can get so much bang for so few marks!
Perfect for fast sketching : )

Tools used:
Tombow Dual Tip Brush Pen – sepia 947
Zig Cocoiro Letter Pen – grey
Micron Pens, black and lt. brown
Pentel Waterbrush
Handmade accordion Discovery Journal

The lettering took it’s own time.  I don’t like to rush lettering, as spelling can go right out the window!
I learned about adventicious roots with this piece. 
My Discovery Journal is building…

3 comments on “Ten-Minute Tuesday / Muscadine Vine & Spanish Moss

  1. Thank you, Unknown! Spanish moss seems to take on many faces. I love finding smaller tendrils to study. The clumps that drape our live oaks are a real study of their light and dark shapes when painting. By concentrating on the shapes, the moss really reads moss. Fun to figure out : )

  2. This is beautiful! Thank you for posting the tools you used as well. I have photos of Spanish moss from visits to the South years ago. My attempts to paint it were totally unsuccessful. It never occurred to me to try a close up as you've done.

  3. This is beautiful! Thank you for posting the tools you used as well. I have photos of Spanish moss from visits to the South years ago. My attempts to paint it were totally unsuccessful. It never occurred to me to try a close up as you've done.

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